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Worried about Wisdom Teeth?

For many who are well into adulthood now, having wisdom teeth removed during adolescence was considered somewhat of a rite of passage. Though the removal of wisdom teeth while young is a relatively common practice, few know why that is, or what the potential consequences are of waiting to have them removed.

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Located in the very back of the mouth, your wisdom teeth are the last four teeth to break through the gums. Their development and arrival can begin anytime during the teen years, and by your mid-20s, they will either fully erupt or become impacted if they are not removed. {And despite their name, they unfortunately have nothing to do with intelligence...) :)

What Are Impacted Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth become impacted when they are blocked by nearby teeth and don’t have enough room to fully emerge. If left to grow, they can damage adjacent teeth and result in severe pain and inflammation in the mouth and jaw area.

The following are the most common signs that your wisdom teeth need attention:

  • Headaches

  • Halitosis

  • Difficulty opening your mouth

  • Tender, swollen, or bleeding gums

  • Swelling in the jaw area

  • Pain when chewing

More often than not, patients are advised to have their wisdom teeth removed before the teeth become impacted. Removing the tooth before the roots are fully formed makes an extraction easier and the healing faster. We take care of most of these in our office and have extensive experience providing gentle, effective removal.

If you have any questions or concerns about your wisdom teeth, or your child's than it is probably time to have us take a look.

Give us a call today at (509) 578-1200.

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