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Are you ready to experience the difference

509.578.1200 (Call or text)
482 Keene Rd.

Richland, WA 99352

Fax: 888.282.4155


Mon: 8 am-5 pm

Tues: 8 am-5 pm

Wed: 8 am-5 pm

Thurs: by appt

Fri: 8 am-3 pm


Online Appointment Request
(or Text us at 578-1200 for faster response)

Name *

Email *


Day/times you prefer

Any other questions?

Your details were sent successfully!

Emergencies Happen... {and they don't follow business hours}

And when they do, call us!!  Even if it is after our hours, call us and we take care of YOU that day!

New Patient Forms

{Click to download}


{If needing to transfer records from another office}
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